Energy efficient lighting
CherryLux Lighting is a designer, supplier, and installer of leading energy efficient lighting technologies into commercial, public, and industrial buildings. We provide a one-stop, turnkey solution for organisations wishing to reduce their lighting costs.
These energy saving solutions are provided using the latest LED technologies. Not only reducing your energy consumption, but we also look to add further savings through the inclusion of daylight & presence detection control systems.
Typically, a retrofit lighting project used to show a return on investment (ROI) of under two years, but with the large rising electricity costs, we have seen this year, the ROI is only going to be reduced further, in some cases by half, to under one year.
Save energy, reduce maintenance, and improve cashflow, with Pay as you save finance, pay for your new lights, using the savings in electricity costs that you will make, in many cases giving your company additional cash flow into the bank each month.